CSMI's Dr. Jay Dugan presents at NJEA Convention on "Creating Engaging Learning Environments"
Dr. Jay Dugan
Dr. Jay Dugan, Vice President of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development at CSMI, LLC, gave a presentation on "Creating Engaging Learning Environments" at the annual New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) Convention on Thursday, November 7.
While he has been presenting at the NJEA Convention for many years, this was Dr. Dugan’s third consecutive year presenting on the importance of engagement in learning environments. “The presentation has been well received for the past three years, and it’s grown more popular every year,” said Dr. Dugan. “In 2017, the presentation sold out in a room for 42 participants; and last year it sold out in a room for 70 participants. This year, it had sold out a room for 112 participants.”
The 90-minute presentation focused on taking the participants through eight general, one-size-fits-all methods to get students engaged. They then took part in multiple subject-area-specific student engagement activities.
One of those engagement activities proved to participants that long-term memory is greater for students when they learn through hands-on methods. In another set of activities, it was proven that differentiated instruction can and should occur, by presenting 10th grade math problems using a third grade level of understanding.
A highlight of the presentation was tackling the current sensitive issue of respecting others who hold different views through a lighthearted and captivating activity: viewing optical illusions. “We used the illusions as a metaphor,” explained Dr. Dugan. “Some participants might have seen the images differently than others did, but all participants had valid reasons for seeing the illusions their own way, which is okay.”
As their website states, The NJEA Convention brings together “more than 300 professional development seminars, workshops, and programs designed to help teachers and educational support professionals hone their skills and stay current in their subject areas and chosen fields.”
We’re proud of Dr. Dugan’s exceptional work presenting at the NJEA Convention, and of his accomplishments on our team.
To learn more about Dr. Dugan’s background and role at CSMI, click here.